Hello Courtney,
Thank you so very much for taking time out to write me, as I would very much like to be your friend and help you gain understanding and knowledge about prison life, death row and the entire correctional system. I also hope that my letter has found you well spiritually and both mentally and physically. I also welcome you and our new friendship into the new year and for all eternity.
I would like for you to know that I also have a Swahili name (Muata). It means, "One who seeks the truth." Given to me by my late, great brother, Stan Tookie Williams - may he rest in peace. Having said that, I share your feelings, emotions and spirit to continue to do all we can to work towards an end to this cruel and unusual punishment, the Death Penalty and incarceration in place of education.
Yes, Stan was my beloved big brother and he has helped me to grow into the man of peace, love and harmony that I am today. With his help and daily example of charity of himself to help others, I began to help at-risk youth and anyone with the need to understand life and how to flow with nature and obtain a healthy constructive life free of jail and prison life. Education and communication are often the missing elements in the lives of hardship - lives, and leads to imprisonment. That, without a doubt, is also a flaw in the governmental system, as teachers have been underpaid, and classrooms over-filled, and many students simply left behind to go through a lifetime not knowing how to read.
I didn't learn how to read & write until I was 30 years old with the help of my brother, Stan. I never thought I'd become a youth counselor, teacher of vocabulary, art and Minister of the Lord God. But education and communication are the keys to life, and through this internet web site project that you wish to pursue, I'd love to help educate the world about the cruelty going on in America's jails and prison systems and especially death row.
Please visit this website to order the must read "Blue Rage, Black Redemption" by Stan Tookie Williams. www.tookie.com. You will find the information for the ordering as soon as you are into this web site, ok?
I have been thinking of some ways to best run your web site. You will need a catchy handle for the site, and I came up with this one: "Have you Heard" or "Have you HEARD???". Yes, to use your name as the catch of the viewer:
That's two that you can pick from to go with for the web site title if you like it?
In regards to drawing others pen pals you might want to offer each inmate his own web page. For an example, check me out at this site: www.survivingthesystem.org.
A web page allows each person to get into what he really feels and wants to say, as everyone's story, you will find, isn't the same. But with there being a web page program on your site it will allow one to take pride in what he or she says or puts upon that page that only represents their views and personality. Thus, allowing viewers to read and see into the hearts and souls of human beings who are living everyday with facing execution.
My 10 year old niece, asked her grandfather, why do they kill someone to show that killing is wrong? She didn't know that there was already a button out with that question that too many people are ignoring. By all means, I think it would be a great idea to pose this question and some answers ok?
Courtney, it has been tough dealing with the loss of my brother, and I'm doing that one day at a time as we were very close and I miss him so much. But as if that doesn't matter I'm being punished, I feel, for loving my brother. Please allow me to enlighten you.
On Dec. 10th, 2005 I was on my way out to the yard to hold Saturday church services. On the way, I was moved to the side and told that I was going to the hole pending the outcome of Dec. 13th [the day Stanley "Tookie" Williams was executed]. On Dec. 16th, 2005 I went before the warden and about 10 others and told that I was a model inmate of 11 years with no violations. But I was being placed in the hole as a result of the execution of Mr. Williams. I have been put on 90 day property control, meaning I don't have any of my belongings, and will not get any of them back until March, 2006 or when an investigation is concluded providing that I've done nothing wrong. I can't go to the store, no care packages, can't order anything from outside stores. I was put in a cage fit for a dog for my exercise yard time. It looks like Guantanamo Bay here in the AC hole. I'm housed in one of 6 of San Quentin's maximum security cells. Can't see no daylight, don't know what time it is most of the time, and I don't sleep much at night.
I lost my appetite when clemency was denied, and didn't eat for like 3 days. I'm not at all used to Satan having fun at the price of my joy, health, and daily productive activities. So I processed everything and got in my exercise as I needed to lose some weight. I got into my writing of positive messages, and for these 90 days I will use them for a much needed time out to be away from the many distractions that I deal with everyday in the building I was taken from, and my TV, Radio. This quality time with God for me, as I do have a Bible to read and study. So I have made the best out of a bad stay in the hole, or situation.
I do need some help that you [or all you readers] may be able to provide. 100 sheets of lined writing paper, 20 envelopes, USA stamps and a picture of you.
Courtney, I have run out of paper so I am going to have to bring this letter to a close. I was just warming up. I hope to receive some of the stationary that I have been requesting so I can really get into my writing here. I deeply miss my typewriter with word-processing on it, I hope to be back with it really soon.
May the love of God always flow between us, as we move forward in His grace to be great friends. Always sharing, and always caring about how the other is feeling and doing. It's my delight that God has brought us together, and I look most forward to doing all I can to help you with this website to be one of the best and most effective to put an end to the death penalty.
I wish you a Happy New Year and hope to hear from you soon,
With Peace Always,
God Bless You,
Minister Dennis M. Brewer
San Quentin Death Row
If you would like to send stamped envelopes or paper to Dennis to help him get his letters to me, or if you would like to send him or I any comments regarding our correspondence, please click here to email me.
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